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More Moore from Awesome! (Circa 1998-1999)

These articles detail many of the exchanges between Rob Liefeld, Alan Moore, AAO and others in the months of the Awesome Collapse. They provide some insight into the dynamics behind the creation and repurposing of stories and ideas created by Alan Moore.

Newsarama: More Moore from Awesome

by Michael Doran

November 13, 1998

In March, AWESOME Entertainment in kicking off what they're calling "The

Awesome Age of ALAN MOORE", with the release of a series of projects all

written by Moore before he began work on his new AMERICA'S BEST COMICS line,

featuring his vision of the revamped and restyled Awesome Universe that

readers have seen glimpses of in Moore's SUPREME and his short-lived

YOUNGBLOOD series. "Alan Moore's impact on the industry is too great to

measure," said Awesome's ROB LIEFELD. "He's changed the way we write, read,

and view the medium. His contributions to Awesome were a primary reason for

our early success and in my many discussions with retailers and fans, the

hunger for Alan's work is never-ending. We believe we have some of Alan's most

brilliant work to date and look forward to delivering it to the marketplace."

The publisher's "celebration" kicks off in March with the release of ALAN


ALAN MOORE'S AWESOME UNIVERSE HANDBOOK is a one-shot taking a behind-the-

scenes look the creative process Moore took in revamping the Awesome Universe.

Featuring the writer's original detail-packed overviews and plot synopsis for

SUPREME, GLORY, YOUNGBLOOD, THE ALLIES, and the NEW MEN, the handbook will

feature illustrations by a variety of artists, including over 35 by ALEX ROSS

dramatically redesigning the SUPREME universe. Included in the designs is

Ross' renditions of Supreme, Suprema, and Radar.

Written by Moore and drawn by soon-to-be new X-MEN penciler BRANDON PETERSON,

GLORY #0 serves as a jumping-on point that sets the stage for the writer's

vision for the character and her continuing adventures in the April-debuting


AWESOME ADVENTURES is the long-promised anthology title that will feature

newly illustrated stories by various artists of the over 30 stories Moore

previously wrote for the scheduled relaunch of Awesome Universe earlier this

year before the publisher's financial problems stalled those plans. Each issue

will feature a new story starring a rotating line-up of YOUNGBLOOD, GLORY,

SUPREME, or WARCHILD, with Youngblood getting the nod for issue #1.

April also sees the release of THE ALLIES OF JUSTICE, a new ongoing series

featuring the Awesome Universe's all-star superhero team in the tradition of

Marvel's Avengers and DC's JLA. The title stars Supreme, Fighting American,

Glory, Spellcaster, Die Hard, Badrock, Thor, and Roman, teamed-up for the

first time in stories written by ERIC STEPHENSON based - at least initially -

on 12 Alan Moore-written plot synopsis. Liefeld will pencil the series' first

four issues.

"While the majority of titles that Awesome has published have catered to the

fantasy/sci-fi audience we want to get back into the super-hero business in a

big way and THE ALLIES is our ticket," said Liefeld. "Alan has created a great

batch of new super-villains in Dr. Drang, The Killer Mist, The Basilisk, and

Florax The Dominator! This team boasts what I believe to be the most powerful

line up in comics history. It's not often you get the Thunder God of Myth

standing next to the most powerful man in the universe. The stories will be on

a grand scale with epic confrontations, but we know that the characterization

is what will bring the readers back. Eric and I collaborated on what many

agree to be the best work of my career in YOUNGBLOOD #6-10 and a few TEAM

YOUNGBLOODs, and this work will easily top those efforts. I'll be doing the

first four issues of THE ALLIES and then I'll begin work on the RE:GEX movie

and begin working on a new RE:GEX mini-series. THE ALLIES will be a big book

for Awesome and will open up a whole new field of opportunities for us."

Finally, Liefeld urged fans of SUPREME to "fear not", the publisher plans to

make another announcement soon.



Alan Moore fans will soon be feeling nostalgia for 1997 when Moore was writing

and re-crafting the Awesome Universe in his image, creating a world of

superheroes that gave many fans the impression that this was the way DC and

Marvel should've done it years before.

Awesome recently solicited more of Moore's Awesome work based on unpublished

scripts and outlines including the Rob Liefeld-penciled, The Allies, a series

that collects Awesome's heroes together in a team reminiscent of the Silver

Age JLA.

In an exclusive Mania/Newsarama interview, Moore revealed that The Allies #1

that hits shelves will be different from the solicited The Allies #1 in two

ways. "Allies comes from a bunch of very, very short, very brief synopses that

I did for Awesome a couple of years ago," Moore says. "The ad that ran in

Previews is actually completely out of date and has noting to do with the

comic that is going to be coming out. As Rob explained it to me that was the

art they had, on hand. The team I wrote was made up of completely different


Also, the creator credit will be slightly different than originally reported.

"I've got no objection to Rob using any stuff of mine that he paid for," Moore

says. "However, I told him that I'd prefer if he downplayed the "stories by

Alan Moore" aspect because my input if anything was very skeletal outlines.

But Rob assures me that nevertheless, they are bigger, stronger outlines than

anyone else in the business, but by my standards, these are three or four

line, vague ideas for possible stories. As far as I am concerned, The Allies

is a Rob Liefeld/Eric Stephenson production, and any resemblance to my stories

will probably be coincidental. There wasn't much there to begin with."

Rob Liefeld however, politely disagrees with Moore. "As you can imagine with

the stories that have circulated about how detailed Alan's scripts are (We

have his scripts for a four-issue Warchild miniseries that he wrote for us,

and literally, Alan wrote four pages describing the first page of the issue.

The first panel is an entire page!), his synopses and outlines much more than

the standard length and content."

"Alan wrote very thorough synopses for The Allies that have true beginnings,

middles and ends," Liefeld says. "What he calls 'synopses' are more complete

than what some creators call 'scripts.' But in accordance with Alan's wishes,

The Allies will now read, "from stories by Alan Moore." But everything else

that will be coming from Awesome is fully written by him, and I think people

are going to be very excited to see it."

So how much Alan Moore material does Awesome have in its archives? "There was

about 400 pages of my work that Awesome had that hadn't been published by the

time when they ceased publishing the first time," Moore says. "As I recall,

I'd written up to issue #7 of Youngblood, and there 7 or 8 issues of Supreme,

and there were some various issues of Glory, Warchild and a few others." While

400 pages may seem like an incredible amount of work for mere mortals,

apparently it's nothing when you're Alan Moore. "If you haven't worked with

Alan, you have no understanding of how fast he is," Liefeld says. "He

essentially wrote a year's worth of everything he was doing for us. By the

time Youngblood #1 came out, he had already written Youngblood #8. Before we

ever solicited Glory #1, he had written seven issues. By the time we put out

the last issue of Supreme, we had another year's worth of scripts ready for

art. Alan can basically write a script a week, and that's what he was

basically doing when he was working for us."

"When Awesome went on hiatus, I put all of Alan's work away, and figured that

we'd eventually work through all the financial issues, and develop a timeline

to release all his stuff. Originally, I was going to hold onto Alan's material

because I had been told that America's Best Comics was going to launch in

November of '98 through February of '99. Then, they told me that they were

going to postpone it indefinitely as the deal with DC came to light."

"Through all of this I was talking with Alex Ross who is my conscience of

sorts on Supreme. He's been very helpful in guiding creative decisions in

marketing what we have, because he is really passionate about the character

and has been very generous about helping us garner more attention for the

series. Alex told me that we should get Alan's material out before the ABC

books hit. Originally, I wanted to wait until after the ABC debut and follow

his newer stuff, but with the majority of these books done, it didn't make

sense to sit on them any longer."

"Now, as the solicitations come out, we're getting most of the Awesome

material started up before the bulk of the ABC line starts, but I don't think

they'll compete against each other at all. The Alan Moore fan would love a new

Alan Moore book every day of the week, so we're betting they're going to drink

all this stuff up."

Awesome's shipping schedule of Moore's work looks like this through early May:

· Glory #0, written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Brandon Peterson, ships

on March 9.

· Alan Moore's Awesome Universe Handbook #1, written by Alan Moore and

illustrated by Alex Ross, Pat Lee, Liefeld, Ed McGuiness, ships on March 30.

· Alan Moore's Awesome Adventures #1, written by Moore and illustrated by

Steve Skroce, ships on April 20.

· Allies #1, written by Eric Stephenson inspired by stories from Moore,

illustrated by Liefeld, ships on April 27.

· Supreme: The Return #1, written by Moore, illustrated by Chris Sprouse,

ships on May 4.

An Alan Moore/Alex Ross Production?

It's been a pipe dream for many fans, and now it may become a reality. Rob

Liefeld gave Mania the exclusive buzz about a project that may join two of

today's comic book legends.

"Alan and I are talking about a project that would team him with Alex Ross,"

Liefeld says. "It originally stemmed from me calling Alex and Alan in October

and telling them that if I only had a limited amount of dollars left to

publish comics in this business, I would give it to Alex and Alan and ask them

to do a book together. They both thought that was funny, and said they'd think

about it. It turns out that Alex really took to it and has talked to Alan

about it. Through their discussions, Alan really got interested, so it's

something that's in the development stages at the moment. Can't say if it will

happen for sure, but the possibility of it coming together gets better with

each day."

Liefeld says that the project, starring Supreme, one of Ross and Moore's

favorite characters, could be out as early as December of this year, depending

on the creator's schedules. The working title for the project is Supreme: WW



Rob Liefeld Apologizes to AAO (Awesome Army Online)

circa 1998-1999

I will weigh in here for a minute to address a situation that I believe

has spiralled out of control. The AAO (Awesome Army Online) people are

extremley appreciated by everyone who works for Awesome. Your support

has been very uplifting throughout what has been a miserable past year.

I feel terrible that some of you have felt slighted in your association

with us and hope that over time everything will become more relaxed and

less volatile.

Let me explain why I am unable to interact as much with this board

and it's

members.The long and the short of it, simply, is a lack of time, not

caring. For better or worse, I am the entire staff of Awesome

Entertainment and have been for quite some time. I am not the artists or

writers or colorist or letterers, but I am the Editor, Traficc

Coordinator, Accountant, Courier, Promotions Director and Distribution

Chief. I knew that if any of these books were going to get out that I

would have to roll up my sleeves and get down and dirty. Matt Hawkins

had been assisting me in keeping the company going but more and more of

his time was being devoted to the launch of Lady Pendragon and it was

inevitable that in time he would have to devote all of his time to that

venture and we have supported him at every turn. I jumped in headfirst

and have not looked back. The past month has been soley devoted to Coven

which has been a humongous undertaking in that it involves some 36 pages

as opposed to the average 22 + cover that goes into a normal book. The

deed is almost finished and from there I am going into FA:DOW #3 and

Avengelyne and gearing up for the upcoming convention season. On top of

all this I am trying to write draw and be a good husband and friend. Now

if it sounds as if I am complaining, I am not at all, in fact I DIG all

the work I've been doing because I have become re-aquainted with several

aspects of the business that I had left to others over the years. It has

created a unique sense of pride and ownership that I have not

experienced in quite some time. To state the record straight, I have

not been alone in all my endeavors,

working from behind the scenes has been both Eric Stephenson and Jeph

Loeb . These two gentlemen put together the return of Supreme, I was

there to give the nods on talent and contracts but the negotiating was

all done by them. Imagine my relief at having them to fall back on in

regards to this and many of the other deal making processes.

As we move forward, we are staffing up and getting ready for a great


Eric is going to expand his duties at Awesome and we will all be the

better for it. We will be hiring new promotions people as well. This

will create less liklihood of things slipping through the cracks as it

appears many of you feel has happened of late. I cannot begin to express

my gratitude to you for your support and to Jeph Loeb who continues to

make a priority out of communicating with all of you on behalf of

Awesome no matter how hectic his workload gets. I feel that my time with

you could be better spent by getting the Awesome books to the printer

and to the stores. As far as the Alan Moore projects go, So much of the

work on those books has been completed for some time now that it really

is just a matter of recieving the orders and sending them out. These

books are guaranteed to be the most timely of our titles. In regards to

Youngblood#3 I made the decision to reroute it into Awesome Adventures

after I recieved the Abysmal numbers on the book. As many of you know, I

am self financing this venture and cannot afford to lose money on these

titles, so I am forced to pursue whatever means necessary to make these

books work. I apologize for the delay.

No one understands your frustrations more than I do. This past year was

as difficult as I have experienced and I knew that hanging in the re was

going to be rough on everyone, but fading out for even a brief window

would have been the death blow. Thank you for voicing your concerns and

if our situation has left you frustrated and you need take a break then

I hope we can meet again under better circumstances.



To join AAO (Awesome Army Online) send blank message to

Julius Pham

Awesome Alliance Group

----- 10/29-30/99

In a message dated 10/30/99 2:37:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

john.door@... writes:

<< This is as good a place as any to ask what exactly is going on with

Liefield. Does anybody here know? >>

Jimmy Jay, Awesome's marketing director, stated in a post the other day on

the AAO (Awesome Army Online) list that they've hired a regular artist to

illustrate the remaining Moore scripts and get the book onto a regular

schedule. He also addresses a few other points that may be of interest to

Moore fans, including use of the Judgement Day characters, and the Jim

Kruger/Alex Ross Supreme project.

Here's what Jimmy posted on the AAO:

Subj: [aao] Long winded responses to AAO issues

Date: 10/29/99 3:41:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Jimawesome@...



To Mick, Malcolm and the AAO-

If I'm getting the laundry list of postings correct, you guys are calling

for/requesting the following:

*Awesome needs at least one title to ship on a regular, predictable basis.

Fans have caled for Supreme, Coven, and Kaboom specifically.

*The powers that be at Awesome- namely Rob- needs to focus on a sigle project

rather than being involved in a number of different ones, from different


*The Awesome Universe is fine as is, and doesn't need any completely new

reboot, special projects or universe enhancing events.

Let me respond to some of these...

*a regular title-

I believe I responded to this issue in an earlier post, and I whole heartedly

agree with you all on this issue. We always belioeved that the Alan Moore

material is a great resource for us to draw upon and we want it to be a

cornerstone in our publishing plans. Awesome has just signed a really cool

artist to fill in the gaps for the Supreme series. We have some future

completed issues in the can, and these issues can possibly be stand alone

Supreme stories. We could have run these out of order in the past months.

Instead, our goal is to acchieve the full impact of the greater story and run

them as originally intended, in the sequence they were intended. This new

artist should put the title back in track. Look for #3 hitting the store

shelves in the next few weeks, and #4 before the first of the year.

As for Coven- again as I explained in an earlier post- we are giving out the

fix for Ian Churchill's supernatural corner of the universe with LIONHEART.

Scratch, SPellcaster, BlackMass, Phenomenon, and Fantom all play pivotal

roles in the mini series. Issue #2 is near completion and should be ready to

go out to the printers and #3 will shortly follow. And for those that are

sticklers for the series to keep running in monthly numbering, you will see

the Coven adventures continue in issue #4 and #5 around the same time.

As for KABOOM-

We always intended Kaboom to be a 3 issue mini series. The characters of

Geoff and Krya have been popular amoung the fans, so we will definately see

them in action throughout the year 2000. For fans that need their close to

immediate fix- check out Brigade #1 and Kaboom #3 shipping in mid november.

As for fans of KERON GRANT- we believe that he is hands down the best young

penciler to come out in recent years. We plan to keep Keron busy, with him

attached to our premiere projects in 2000.


*The focus of Rob and Awesome in general.

This has been a concern for the diehard fans and supporters of Rob through

much of 1999. Rob has shown some of the most brilliant work of his career in

the RE:GEX, stepped in to Marvel to save his first major creation CABLE from

cancellation, and has suffered through a major family tragedy when his father

went ill to the hospital in early June, and his death in the the last days of

September. Add to all of this another major family situation, and you get an

idea where he has been the past year.

Rob has slugged through all of this, and completed his Marvel commitments,

and is back full time and full steam with AWESOME. Rob has slated the

CENTURY mini series and spearheading the EXTREME FORCES series, in addition

to overseeing everything Awesome. Fans will also see more of his creations

in the spotlight with the Re:GEX- as the PRIME issue will hit, as well as

more material for the characters in the new stories with Avengelyne and





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