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Alan Moore's Awesome Comics TIMELINE!

The League of Infinity's Time Tower is built around the core of eternity: on its steps you can climb from the Dawn of Time to the End of the Universe, stepping off onto any year you choose—or even an alternate timeline.

Alternate timeline events are marked with a red background

Before Creation of the Universe The pantheon of deities including Demeter (and probably Hermes) comes into being. JDO

Four Billion Years Ago Demeter is seduced by the Lord Silverfall, the philandering husband of Lilith, and becomes pregnant. G #1

Four Billion Years Ago Gloriana Demeter (Glory) is born in the realm of Ultima Thule to Demeter. She is blessed by Demeter's fellow deities, including Chang-O (the Chinese moon goddess); the Greek god Hermes; Aphrodite; the Egyptian sun-god Horus; Kali, the Indian goddess of destruction; and Thor, Norse god of thunder. G# 2

Four Billion Years Ago The god Hermes creates the Book of Mercury. JDSB

Four Billion Years Ago Hermes gives the Book of Mercury to Demeter. She hides it in a cave on the still-forming Earth. JDO

Four Billion Years Ago Lilith vows to destroy Glory to avenge her husband's philandering. G #1

10 Million Years Ago Giganthro gains higher intelligence by proximity to the Book of Mercury, which is guarded by Dino-Man. Giganthro throws the Book of Mercury into a chasm. He is recruited to join the League of Infinity. JDO

425 A.D. The warlock Magnar Teufelsun enslaves the kobold race after Bartelmew J. Troll (Troll) loses to him at cards. JDO

436 A.D. Troll rewrites the Book of Mercury to end his servitude to Magnar Teufelsun, who is conquered and slain by Bram the Berserk. Bram takes The Book as his prize. JDA

5th Century Bram rules wisely with the power of the Book of Mercury. When he dies, the Book is again taken by Troll. JDO

Early 6th Century Merlin wins the Book of Mercury from Troll in a card game and rewrites it to create the Golden Age of Camelot. JDO

530 Merlin gives the Book of Mercury to the Winter Knight for safekeeping after the fall of Camelot. The Winter Knight uses it to defeat the dragon Faralanx. JDA

Mid 6th Century Troll tries to steal the Book of Mercury from the Winter Knight, but is trapped in a magic waterfall. The Winter Knight leaves his book to his order, which becomes the Knights Templar. JDO

Mid 11th Century Troll is released from the magic waterfall. JDO

14th Century Captain Compass, the Black Corsair steals the Book of Mercury during the persecution of the Knights Templar and flees to America. When he dies, the Book of Mercury is passed into a cult of witches in New England. JDO

16th Century Puritan adventurer Deliverance Drue confiscates the Book of Mercury from a nest of witches in Salem, Massachusetts. JDO

1800s Nighteagle becomes the Master Magus of his era. JDO

1837 James Butler Hickok (Wild Bill Hickok) is born. S #55

1849 Wild Bill Hickok joins the League of Infinity. S #55

1860s Wild Bill Hickok has adventures through the Old West, encountering the Brimstone Kid, Nighteagle, and Kid Thunder. S #55

1860s Wild Bill Hickok, the Brimstone Kid, Nighteagle, and Lady Lash join forces to battle Jericho Faust and Stooping Shadow. They are accidentally transported to 1998. Youngblood are sent back to this era, where they defeat the two villains, who are consumed by the malevolent spirit they had tried to summon. Youngblood returns to their own era via the League of Infinity's Time Tower. YB #4

1867 The Brimstone Kid, Kid Thunder, and Nighteagle have a "misunderstanding" with the Lonesome Rider. JDA

Early 1868 Deliverance Drue impregnates his servant, Eliza Smith. Smith appeals to Kid Thunder for help, telling him that Drue hopes to shape her child's future using the Book of Mercury. Kid Thunder vows to un-write what Drue has written. JDO

1868 Kid Thunder takes the Book of Mercury from Deliverance Drue. Kid Thunder meets with Nighteagle and the Brimstone Kid, who recognize the powerful magic of the Book. Drue locates and wounds Kid Thunder, but Thunder scratches Drue out of the Book with his own blood. Drue explodes. JDA. JDO

Late 1868 Kid Thunder and Nighteagle bury the Book of Mercury. JDO

1871 Wild Bill Hickok becomes marshal of Abilene, Texas. S #55

1876 In order to prevent Wild Bill Hickok from changing history to enable the South to win the Civil War, the League of Infinity and Supreme cause Hickok's death. S #55

1877 In an alternate timeline, Wild Bill Hickok steals atomic technology from the 20th century and uses it to let the Confederacy win the Civil War, creating a world where slavery is still legal through the late 20th century. S #55

Late 1800s William Conqueror (brother of English adventurer Sir Edward Conqueror), his wife, Suzanne Conqueror, and their son Charles disappear in the Congo. Raised by lions, Charles eventually becomes Zantar, "White God of the Congo." JDO

1895 Sir Edward Conqueror visits America, meets his wife, and excavates an Indian burial ground, where he finds the Book of Mercury. The Book is labeled Artifact No. 137. JDO

April 30, 1902 Sir Edward Conqueror realizes the power of the Book of Mercury. JDO

1905 Sir Edward Conqueror travels to Africa to find his missing brother and family. He dies on the trip, still holding the Book of Mercury. JDO

World War 1 The Phantom Aviator begins his adventures. JDA

1916 Darius Dax is born in Littlehaven. S #42

1918 Zantar discovers a tribe of natives worshipping the skeleton of his uncle, Sir Edward Conqueror, who still clutches the Book of Mercury. Zantar takes the Book. JDA

1920 Ethan Crane (Supreme) is born. S #42, S #52b

1920s Zantar comes to America and gives the Book of Mercury to John Prophet. JDO, JDSB

1920s Lei-Ling's grandmother has an affair with Master Magus Stephen Hush, the Ghost-Breaker and becomes his servant. JD:A

1925 Ethan Crane adopted by Joe and Joanne Crane. At the age of five, he and his dog Radar are exposed to a Supremium meteor (actually the remains of the second Supremium Man) that gives them superhuman powers. Ethan's mother creates a costume for him, and he becomes Kid Supreme. S #42

1930s John Prophet gives the Book of Mercury to the Phantom Aviator. JDSB

1930s Inspired by pulp adventurers like the Phantom Aviator, 13 year-old Taylor Kendall (later Professor Night) becomes the Midnight Mask to help Kid Supreme defeat the Famous Monster Mob. S #52b

1933 Darius Dax steals the Supremium meteor from Professor Wells and unleashes the Tremendroid on Littlehaven. Kid Supreme is aided by the time-traveling League of Infinity (Future Girl, Giganthro, Boy Achilles, Young Bill Hickok, and Witch Wench). The League shows Kid Supreme the Time Tower. Kid Supreme accepts their invitation to join their ranks. S #42

1934 Darius Dax summons Master Meteor, a youth from another dimension who collects Supremium, to Earth, where he battles Kid Supreme. After being defeated, Master Meteor disappears, reappearing in 1998. STR #5

1939 Supreme leaves Littlehaven and builds his Citadel Supreme in space. S #43

1940 Supreme moves the Citadel Supreme inside an artificial cloud. S #43

1940s Dr. Mystic becomes the Master Magus of this era. Waxman and Doc Rocket begin their careers. Jack Bradley is murdered and becomes host of the Jack O'Lantern. JDO, S #49

1941 The Allied Supermen of America are formed. S #44

1941 Demeter sends her daughter Glorianna to Earth to fight Adolf Hitler; President Roosevelt dubs her Glory. She becomes club secretary of the Allied Supermen of America. G #1

1943 Battlin' Baron and his Roarin' Roughnecks, with the assistance of the Phantom Aviator, the Stormbirds, Super-Patriot, and Agent America, prepare for an attack on Gen. Erwin Rommel and the Iron Cross. Mortally wounded, the Phantom Aviator entrusts the Book of Mercury to Sammy Smith, who uses it to become the hero Storybook Smith. JDA

1943 Storybook Smith is invited to join the Allied Supermen of America as a full member, using the Book of Mercury to conjure literary characters to assist him. JDFJ

1943 Doctor Clock and the Time Tinker link 1943 with 1961, but they are defeated by the Allied Supermen of America with their future selves, the Allies. S #48

1940s Dr. Mystic defeats the demon Jaleezl. JD:A

Late 1940s Glory fights the Siamese Cat and Madame Manacle. G #1

Dec. 31, 1949 The Allied Supermen of America are visited by the Three Mayhe-Maniacs (the Morgue Minder, the Tomb Terror, and the Old Hag), who show the heroes (whose roster includes Supreme, Super-Patriot, Doc Rocket, Black Hand, Roy Roman (Mer-Master), Waxman, the Alley-Cat, Storybook Smith, Jack O'Lantern, Die-Hard, Professor Night, Glory) that they're helpless against the real problems of the postwar era. S #44

Mid-1950 The Allied Supermen of America disband. S #44

1950s Eddie Saint, The Third Eye becomes the new Master Magus of this era. JDO

1950s Blake Baron, now working for The Veil, investigates Storybook Smith and Jack O'Lantern for suspected Communist affiliations. JDFJ

1950s Glory meets the Danger Damsels. S #44

1950s Pratap becomes the butler of Taylor Kendall, a.k.a. Professor Night. S #47

1950s The American Archer goes into action, armed with nuclear arrows. YB #1

1953 Doc Rocket and Alley-Cat are married in Supreme's Citadel Supreme. S #44

1953 Darius Dax creates Shadow Supreme. S #52a

c. 1953 Linda Kendall (Twilight) is born. AHS

1954 Supreme rescues mathematician Daniel Dodgson from the mirror-world originally discovered by his great-great uncle, Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll). Supreme decides to use the mirror-world as a prison for his enemies, the Hell of Mirrors. S #56

1954 Madame Manacle kidnaps the Danger Damsels to snare Glory. She disguises herself as Glory's boyfriend, Trevor Tracey, and tries to trick her into marriage. G #2

1955 Professor Night confiscates a Hypnotic Music Box from Evening Primrose. S #47

1955 Szazs, the Sprite Supreme, turns everyone in Omegapolis into giants. S #53

1956 Reuben Tube becomes the Televillain. S #52a

1950s Supreme's adoptive parents, Joe and Joanne Crane, adopt a girl named Sally Crane (later Suprema). S #45

July 1958 The Allied Supermen of America briefly reunite to play a prank on Supreme in his Citadel Supreme. S #43, JDFJ

1958 The second Supremium Man falls out of the sky in search of Supremium. During his battle with Supreme, Sally Crane is given superhuman powers. Fusing with the Supremium, the Supremium Man collapses into a singularity and is pulled back in time to 1925. S #45

1958 Magman is one of the monsters of the late-fifties giant monster outbreak. It settles in Carson Cave on Conqueror Island. JD:A

1958 Storybook Smith becomes a drug addict, and the Book of Mercury is stolen by a junkie, Marcus Langston's father. Smith hires Detective Gorilla to find the Book. Marcus discovers his destiny in the Book of Mercury and decides to change it. JDFJ

1958 Professor Night defeats the Walrus and The Carpenter and confiscates their Killer Oysters. S #47, S #52b

1958 Alien evangelist Voran Glynn becomes Optilux and transforms Amalynth into coherent light. S #52a

1959 Storybook Smith hosts a late-night TV movie showcase. JDFJ

1959 Judy Jordan briefly becomes Supreme Woman. S #54

Early 60s Supreme takes Judy Jordan on a tour of the new "Supreme World" amusement park. S #51

1960s The Conquerors of the Uncanny, led by Dr. Daniel "Blacky" Conqueror, operate from their headquarters on Conqueror Island. JDO

1960s Supreme creates an artificial Supremium isotope. S #45

May 1960 The Allies are organized to combat Florax the Dominator. Their initial roster: Supreme, Professor Night, Glory, Die-Hard, Mighty Man, Super-Patriot, Roy Roman, and Spacehunter. S #48

1961 Eddie Saint dies while banishing the grey god Quelepu from this dimension back to the Mauve Zone. The hippie Della Psychic becomes the next Master Magus. JD:A

1961 The subterranean atomic monster Atomo first appears. YB #2

July 1961 The Allies encounter Hulver Ramik, the Slaver of Souls. It is their 16th case. S #47, S #48

Late 1961 The Allies meet the Allied Supermen of America due to the machinations of Dr. Clock. It is their 21st case. S #48

Late 1961 The Basilisk turns the Allies into stone. It is their 24th case. S #48

Early 1960s Glory has a brief affair with President John F. Kennedy. G #1

1962 Supreme creates the Possibilitron and uses it to see what would happen if he married Judy Jordan, Luriel, or Glory. The hypothetical results are dreadful. S #50

Early 1962 The Fisherman joins the Allies for a battle with the Moth Empress. It is the Allies' 28th case. S #48

February 1962 Supreme creates an anti-Supremium suit to battle the Supremium Man. S #43

Early 1963 the Allies encounter Prismalo. It is their 37th case. S #48

1964 Darius Dax and Optilux destroy the Citadel Supreme. Supreme soon rebuilds it. S #43

September 1964 The Allies and Janet Planet have a rematch with Hulver Ramik, the Slaver of Souls. S #47

Mid 1960s Storybook Smith becomes an alcoholic derelict. JDFJ

1950s Sally Crane attends high school in Glenvale. As Suprema she battles Satana and Lord Sin. S #46

1950s Suprema wins the right to join the League of Infinity. S #52a

1960s Suprema defeats the nuclear-powered villainess the Bikini Blonde. YB #1

May 1965 Supreme battles the Televillain. Professor Night and Twilight battle Evening Primrose and Fakeface, and then all three heroes team up against the Walrus and the Carpenter. AA

1965 Suprema and Twilight contemplate starting their own junior version of the Allies with Roy Roman's nephew, Lamprey, the Fisherman's sidekick Skipper, and a teenage version of Glory. In the normal timeline they decide not to, but in a parallel timeline, their new group, called Youngblood, eventually causes a devastating superhero war in the year 1985. YB #6

1965 Stupendo, the Simian Supreme dies of Supremium poisoning. S #43

Mid-1960s Supreme, Professor Night, and Twilight join forces to battle Darius Dax and Jack-A-Dandy. S #47

Mid-1960s Professor Night reveals that he and Supreme met years before they thought they did, but lost their memory after a dip in the river Lethe, which runs in the catacombs that are now Professor Night's headquarters, the Halls of Night. S #52b

Mid-1960s Professor Night and Twilight have their own television show. AHS

1966 Korgo the Space Tyrant and Shadow Supreme are imprisoned in the Hell of Mirrors. S #44

July 1966 Supreme battles Gorrl, the Living Galaxy. S #43

1967 Supreme confiscates the Armageddon Gauntlet from The End. S #43

Aug. 30, 1967 Mickey Graves (Knightsabre) is born. JDA

1967 Darius Dax is diagnosed with terminal cancer. He encodes his consciousness in a book and sends it to Judy Jordan. S #52a

1968 Birth of Gloria West, who will later be Glory's human alter ego. G #1

1968 Darius Dax dies of cancer. Judy Jordan receives his book and is possessed by Dax's consciousness. S #42, S #52a

1969 Optilux apparently commits suicide, but actually ascends to a new form of immaterial existence. S #49

1969 Supreme leaves Earth to explore the universe. S #46, S #48

Oct. 2, 1969 Gorrl, the Living Galaxy threatens the Earth. Suprema agrees to be his bride if he spares the Earth. S #46

Early 1970s the Allies break up. S #48, JDFJ

Early 1970 Professor Night and Twilight spend the evening with Bryce Bistow (the Fisherman) and Toby King (Skipper). When they return home they collapse into a form of suspended animation, their souls stolen by Hulver Ramik. Ramik also steals the souls of Spacehunter, Janet Planet, Fisherman, the Conquerors of the Uncanny, Jungle Jack Flynn, the Stormbirds, Blake Baron, Skipper, Polyman, Mark Tyme, Dimensioneer, and nearly every other prominent hero on Earth. S #47, S #48

1970 In an alternate timeline, the Allies and the teen Youngblood founded by Suprema defeat Hulver Ramik, preventing him from stealing the heroes' souls. The presence of the heroes in the 1970s and 1980s, however, ultimately leads to a devastating superhero war in 1985. YB #6

1971 Florax the Dominator's final spores are destroyed. JD:A

May 1971 Supreme visits the remains of Amalynth and encounters Jack O'Lantern. Supreme attempts to reach a level of existence for which he's not prepared, and collapses. He roams the universe with amnesia for 20 years. S #49

1972 Blake Baron allegedly dies in a car crash. JDFJ

1970s John Prophet dismantles Die-Hard's old foe, the Humandroid. AA

Mid 1970s Storybook Smith disappears. His girlfriend, Miranda Creel, gives birth to his daughter, Leanna Creel (Riptide). JDFJ

1985 In an alternate timeline, a terrible superhero war devastates the Earth, causing most surviving heroes to lose their powers. Shaft, one of the villains in the war, tries to join Youngblood to help repair the world. In one timeline he is refused, leading to the world of Ironblood. In another, he is accepted, leading to the utopian world of Wiseblood. YB #6

Mid 1980s Sentinel, bored with his superheroics, rewrites the world into a darker place. JDFJ

1989 Della Psychic hangs herself in the Miskatonic Institute in Star City. JD:A

1995 Lori Sanders becomes Maximage, the Master Magus of the present era. JDO

Early 1990s Leanna Creel gains super powers and becomes Riptide. JDFJ

1996 Supreme returns to Earth. S #41

Summer 1996 Sentinel hosts a cookout for Youngblood at his home. The Book of Mercury is discovered and stolen by Riptide. JDFJ

August 1996 Supreme encounters the Supremacy and enters a revised reality where he's a comic book artist. S #41

Aug. 5, 1996 Ethan Crane returns to Littlehaven. He meets the elderly Judy Jordan and introduces himself as Ethan Crane's son. S #42

September 1996 Supreme returns to his Citadel Supreme, where he discovers that Suprematon Decoy S-1 is living out a facsimile of Supreme's life. S #43

October 1996 Supreme is reunited with Glory, an aged Doc Rocket, Alley-Cat, and Waxman, and a still-young Mighty Man. S #44

November 1996 Supreme brings Billy Friday to the Citadel Supreme, where he is accidentally exposed to Supremium and mutates into Elaborate Lad. To protect the Citadel Supreme, he is transferred to the Prism-World of Amalynth. S #45

December 1996 Supreme searches for Suprema within Gorrl, The Living Galaxy. He rescues Radar. Supreme convinces Gorrl to let Suprema go. S #46

Mid-1997 Supreme investigates the disappearance of Professor Night and finds the Professor and Twilight in suspended animation. He discovers that their souls have been stolen by Hulver Ramik and enlists a squad of superhumans to help him. S #47

Mid-1997 Billy Friday is removed from Amalynth by Szazs, the Sprite Supreme and sent to the Nineteenth Dimension. S #47

Mid-1997 Supreme, Mighty Man, Roy Roman, Die-Hard, Super-Patriot, and Glory reform the Allies to rescue Professor Night. They find the trapped souls of dozens of vanished heroes kidnapped by Hulver Ramik. They learn he was hired by Optilux, who is using their power to transform the entire universe to light. Supreme traps Optilux and releases all the captive heroes. S #48, S #49, S #50

Mid-1997 Emerpus the Reverse Supreme rescues Billy Friday from the Nineteenth Dimension and sends him forward through time to 2496. S #50

August 1997 Judy Jordan and her granddaughter Hilda invade the Citadel Supreme. They trap Supreme in the Hell of Mirrors and Judy reveals she is actually Darius Dax. Suprema and Radar are defeated by Hilda. Darius Dax takes over the body of Magno and fights Die-Hard and Glory. Supreme sends a message to Future Woman. Professor Night and Twilight join the battle until the League of Infinity arrives to help. Future Woman rescues Supreme from the Hell of Mirrors. Billy Friday returned to this era, turns into Elaborate Lad again, and is placed in the Hell of Mirrors. Darius Dax takes the last isotope of Supremium and is pulled back in time to 1958 to become the Supremium Man. S #51, S #52a, S #52b

Aug. 30, 1997 Knightsabre celebrates his thirtieth birthday by getting drunk. JDA

Aug. 31, 1997 12:30 AM Sentinel, on reception duty, sees Knightsabre return to Youngblood HQ. He goes into Riptide's room and passes out on her bed. JDA

Aug. 31, 1997 1:15 AM Riptide returns to Youngblood HQ. JDO

Aug. 31, 1997 1:30 AM Riptide is killed (according to the coroner's report) JDO

Aug. 31, 1997 Youngblood members discover Riptide's body and Knightsabre unconscious on her bed. Shaft calls in the Savage Dragon to help in the investigation. Blake Baron of The Veil investigates the crime scene before the police. The Dragon arrests Knightsabre. JDA, JDO

September 1997 Supreme agrees to hold the trial of Knightsabre in his Citadel Supreme. Shona Shane (Lady Day) will prosecute, and Toby King (Skipper) will defend Knightsabre. JDA

September 1997 The Hell of Mirrors villains demand that Billy Friday be taken away, insisting that being imprisoned with him violates their civil rights. Supreme takes the nearly insane Friday to Miskatonic Institute. Szazs appears and brings the fictional hero Omniman comic to life. S #53

Mid-Sept. 1997 Glory, Giganthro, Troll, Maximage, Dr. Daniel Conqueror, and Blake Baron take the stand in Knightsabre's trial. Youngblood is shut down by the U.S. government. It is revealed that Storybook Smith was Riptide's father. Supreme's Suprematons, acting for the court, find the Book of Mercury in Sentinel's home, and Toby King explains how Sentinel killed Riptide and framed Knightsabre for the crime. JDO, JDFJ

Late Sept. 1997 Sentinel is imprisoned in Supreme's Hell of Mirrors. JDFJ

Glory asks her aunt, the goddess Selene, to let her experience mortal life. Her essence is partially merged with a mortal woman, Gloria West. JD:A

October 1997 Judy Jordan's consciousness is placed in a Suprematon body. She dons her old Supreme Woman costume, and falls in love with Suprematon Decoy S-1, who renames himself Talos. Supreme Woman and Talos are married in the Citadel Supreme. They leave Earth and found the planet Suprematonia. S #54

October 1997 Most of the members of Youngblood go their own ways: Combat returns to Katella, and Badrock plays himself in a heavily fictionalized movie based on the trial of Knightsabre. Shaft and Waxey Doyle begin to recreate Youngblood. Waxey's adopted son, Leonard Doyle, becomes Big Brother. AHS

November 1997 Twilight, Suprema, Johnny Panic, and Doc Rocket join Youngblood. Die-Hard reforms the Allies. AHS

December 1997 The Allies reclaim their headquarters on Asteroid Amor, where they encounter illusory versions of their old foes. JD:A

Dec. 24, 1997 Stormhead attacks Coast City, but is defeated by Youngblood. AHS

1998 Lori Saunders (Maximage) moves into the Master Magus's mansion in San Francisco and discovers the Table of the Magi, allowing her to commune with past and future Maximages. JD:A

January 1998 The villains imprisoned in Supreme's Hell of Mirrors escape, trapping Supreme in the mirror-prison in their place. S #56

January 1998 The escaped mirror-villains, including Slaver Ant, Optilux, Televillain, and Shadow Supreme, run amok. Korgo the Space Tyrant takes over the White House for 36 hours. The villains are eventually defeated by Supreme, Suprema, and Radar. Sentinel is the only one not recaptured. STR #1

February 1998 The alien intelligence called the Occupant escapes from Blake Baron and The Veil and goes on a rampage in Star City before being defeated by Youngblood. YB #1

Sentinel recruits a new, villainous group, Badblood, including Atomo, the Lounge Lizard, Satana, Speedwell, and Poppy. The villains are defeated by Youngblood, but most manage to escape. YB #2

Feb. 12, 1998 Darius Dax finds himself in Daxia. His fellow Daxes help him to return to Earth to avenge himself on Supreme. STR #2

Supreme takes Diana Dane to visit the Prism-World of Amalynth, forward through time to meet Fighting American IV and Speedgirl in the year 2150, and into the Supremacy, where Diana meets her own counterparts. STR #3

Radar impregnates dozens of dogs in Omegapolis, producing a huge litter of super-powered puppies. He leads his progeny to found their own world on a distant planet, which he intends to name Fidor. Diana Dane realizes that Ethan Crane is really Supreme. STR #4

May 25, 1998 Lilith, infuriated at Glory taking mortal form, vows to destroy her. Lilith manipulates Glory's human alter ego, Gloria West, into falling in love with Granger Troy. G #1

Lilith tricks Granger Troy into giving Gloria West a drug to destroy Glory's essence in her mind. G #2

Darius Dax summons Master Meteor(alias Supremium Man I) from the year 1938 to battle Supreme. The Supremium Man I merges with Billy Friday, and then disappears into time in search of more Supremium. STR #5

Supreme flies to a strange valley in the Himalayas, where he encounters New Jack City and meets the King. STR #6

July 1998 Jack-A-Dandy tricks Youngblood into a booby trap in the hideout of Doctor Clock that was originally intended for the Allies. Youngblood are sent more than 100 years into the past, while Wild Bill Hickok, Nighteagle, Brimstone Kid, and Lady Lash appear in their place. The heroes eventually return to their proper eras via the League of Infinity's Supreme. Wild Bill makes reference to a fight between Youngblood and the League that (from Youngblood's perspective) hasn't happened yet. AA, YB #4

August 1998 Combat returns to Earth to enlist Youngblood against the interstellar monster called The Goat. Suprema is injured when she causes a nova to destroy the Goat. YB #5

September 1998 Youngblood clashes with two alternate future timeline versions of itself, Ironblood and Wiseblood. The League of Infinity becomes involved in trying to determine which timeline will come true, leading to a fight. Twilight eventually insures that their timeline will be the real one. YB #6

September 1998 The Youngblood movie, starring Badrock, debuts. Shaft gets romantically interested in Twilight. Suprema goes on a date with Big Brother. Johnny Panic accidentally creates Sparky, The Boy Hallucination, an imaginary 'kid sidekick.' YB #7

September 1998 Darius Dax deduces the existence of the Supremacy. He returns to Daxia and marshals an army of Daxes to invade the Supremacy. STR #7


2005 In an alternate timeline, the future heroes of Ironblood exist in a world devastated by a superhero war that took place in 1985. YB #6

2030 In an alternate timeline, the future heroes of Wiseblood, including Shaft and led by a future Twilight who has become Professor Night II, turn the world devastated by a superhero war into a utopia. YB #6

2150 Joannie Flagg becomes Fighting American IV, aided by Speedgirl. Supreme's great-grandson becomes Supremax, guardian of Omegaplex. STR #3

25th Century The League of Infinity is formed. Using information from Knightsabre's trial, they go back in time to recruit Giganthro. JDO

2463 Optilux attempts to join the League of Infinity by masquerading as "Pilot X-U" (Xavier Ulysses of 3950 A.D.). He is defeated by other new applicants Chu-Ko Liang, Siegfried, Mata Hari, and William Reich, who are admitted as new members. STR #4

2496 Members of the League of Infinity are now adults. Some change their names: Future Girl becomes Future Woman. Billy Friday is sent to this year by Emerpus. S #43

2497 the League of Infinity goes back to 1997 to help defeat Darius Dax. Billy Friday returns to 1997. S #52b




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