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The 'Zine


*Ivory Icon Informer!*

Volume 1, Issue 3




FAQ/ Fan Mail

Interview with Eric Stephenson!

Q&A with Dan Fraga!

Interview with Supreme!

Top 10 REJECTED names for Supreme: The Return

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Welcome to the third edition of the Ivory Icon Informer. Less than TWO MONTHS

away from The Return!!

The Informer is branching out. We have decided to do monthly adventures on

the Hound of Heroism - Radar! So we can put our own unique spin on the

Supreme mythos. You can look for it included in our next issue! We're going

to have a quick issue in about 2 weeks with some special news!

We have a great issue for you this month. A very cool (and critically

acclaimed -- by Jeph Loeb) Top Ten List, and three GREAT interviews.

A special thanks to the people who dropped by for an interview this month.

Dan Fraga and Eric Stephenson took time out of their busy schedules to give us

some insight into the Ivory Icon. Also, a SURPRISE interview with....

SUPREME!! That's right, our illustrious cub reporter, David Perkins, caught

up with the Man of Majesty and got his thoughts on the issues of the day! So,

sit back and enjoy the show.


Supreme Message Boards on AOL! Chris Milnar has established a Supreme message

board on AOL!!! If you've got AOL, go there!

<A HREF="aol://5863:126/mB:378993">Supreme</A>! I'd like to remind everyone

that securing a message board on AOL isn't always an easy task, but we've

finally got one for the Ivory Icon!

If you've been living under a rock somewhere, Supreme has GUARANTEED

shipping!!!!! Awesome's new shipping schedule will make sure the Man of

Majesty will be here May 4th!!!!

FAQ/Fan Mail:

Supreme has in fact used his Speed Supreme for an extended period of time,

when he flew to the Living Galaxy. In that issue, he flies beyond light speed

-- light speed being 186,000 miles per SECOND. Supreme called it "Trans-

Lightspeed". In fact, Suprema and Radar also went beyond lightspeed, because

that was the speed required to get out of a black-hole. They went as fast as

"gravity radiation"

-- and while that is a natural phenomenon, for the life of me, I couldn't find

out how fast gravity radiation can go.

But, faster than 186,000 miles per SECOND is rather fast indeed.

~Dakota Goldsworth

Well, that's it for this month, please keep the questions and comments



with Eric Stephenson:

'Zine Supreme: What do you think of the costume change, and how will it be

worked into continuity [if at all ]?

Eric Stephenson: Alex Ross did a fantastic job of resigning Supreme's costume.

I was floored when Rob first showed me the sketches and I don't think I've

spoken with anyone who's felt differently. It just works really, really well.

As far as how the new costume is going to be fit into continuity, I think

that's going to be a gradual thing. I don't think we've pinpointed which

issue we'll roll it out in as of yet, but I think we're all eager to see

Supreme strut his stuff in his new threads.

What are some of your favorite moments on Supreme?

You know, there are lots of stray bits of dialogue that really stand out for

me when I think about the book, generally things that gave me a chuckle when I

wasn't expecting it, but to be honest, my favorite moment is unpublished at

this point. It's when Supreme meets what is essentially the disembodied

creative spirit of Jack Kirby in the upcoming SUPREME: THE RETURN #6. I think

Alan and Rick really did a wonderful job with that story and I can't wait for

the rest of the world to get a chance to see it. I also have to mention

SUPREME #50, where Ethan Crane and Diana Dane get together to plot an upcoming

issue of Omniman. Chris Sprouse's artwork complimented Alan's dialogue so

perfectly and the flashback sequences by Alan and Rick were particularly

inspired. I know Alan was really pleased with that issue, as well. It was

one of those instances where everything just worked out really well.

Can you give our readers a Scoop Supreme on future projects?

Well, we've got SUPREME: THE RETURN coming out monthly beginning in May, and

I'll be overseeing that. Right now, we're well ahead of schedule on that,

too, which is great. There's also THE ALLIES which kicks off in April. I'm

also working on a FIGHTING AMERICAN mini-series with Keith Giffen. He and I

just wrapped up a three issue stint on WEBSPINNERS: TALES OF SPIDER-MAN over

at Marvel and we're really excited about getting a shot at Fighting American.

Speaking of Marvel, I'm also going to be writing the comic book version of the

new SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED animated series, which I believe is going to be

penciled by Javier Pulido, the guy who helped Joe Casey finish up THE

INCREDIBLE HULK. I'm literally just getting started on that, so I can't tell

you a whole lot about it just yet. I'm also slated to do another WEBSPINNERS

story, featuring Spider-Man's first meeting with the X-Men's Gambit. And, on

top of all that, I'm going to be working with the always entertaining Dan

Fraga later this year on BLACK SEED and I can't tell you how much I'm looking

forward to that!

I think we all are looking forward to the Allies, what kind of stories can we

look forward to?

The Allies is going to be a lot of fun. I'm trying to stay true to what Alan

laid down for these characters as far as the groundwork goes, but at the same

time, I'm not slavishly imitating his style or approach. I don't even know if

it's possible to do that! At any rate, the line up for the new team is Die

Hard, Supreme, Glory, Badrock, Spellcaster, Thor and Fighting American and the

first issue deals more or less with how this new team is assembled and how

they deal with their first threat. An important thing to note about the team

is that it's essentially a group of seven heavy hitters. These guys will be

handling huge, larger than life crises in a way that teams like Youngblood

just plain couldn't.

What is your favorite part of being the Editor on Supreme? In other words,

what makes Supreme so special?

Without a doubt, the best part of working on SUPREME is dealing with all the

talented people who have contributed to the book, both past and present.

Alan's stories certainly brought out the best of everybody involved in putting

the book together. People like Todd Klein really knocked themselves out to

contribute something special to SUPREME and it was a genuinely gratifying

experience to be part of the whole process. That's carried over to the work

we're doing on SUPREME: THE RETURN, I think. The pages Jim Starlin has done

are really exceptional, for instance. It's just a lot of fun sitting back and

watching this book take shape again.


with Dan Fraga:

'Zine Supreme: What is your favorite moment on Supreme?

Dan Fraga: When in issue 14, he gets smashed into a bunch of toys!!

What do you think of the Costume revision?

I love it!!! Alex is a very talented fella!

If you and Supreme wrestled IN JELLO, who would win?

Oh, me. I would woop his jello eatin a$$!

Who is harder to draw, Supreme or Radar?

I've never had to draw radar yet, but, I'd say Supreme.

Can you give us some updates on your upcoming projects?

BlackSeed cometh.....look for the beginning in Coven/re:gex


with Supreme:

'Zine Supreme: First of all, Mr. Supreme, sir, it is a HUGE honor to get to

meet you. I'm a big fan. Well, not as big of a fan as a friend of mine.

He's bordering on obsessive/compulsive, to tell you the truth. I'm telling

you, it's a good thing there aren't any bushes outside the Citadel because

this guy would be hiding in them. Now on to our interview.

Assuming there is such a thing, what is the "average" day in the life of

Supreme like?

Supreme: There is no AVERAGE day. But when I am not on patrol with Radar, or

in my science lab Supreme, I like to ponder the question of creation. On days

when I am feeling a little silly, I will walk by the Hell of Mirrors and moon

Shadow Supreme. (ahem)..but I have said too much. On to the next question.

How do you respond to accusations that you are a second rate Omniman rip-off?

Since Omni-Man is a comic book character and I am the real thing, I see no

reason to respond to those ridiculous accusations. However, I will answer

your next question...

What do you have to say to all of the people who say you are merely a figment

of people's imaginations and not a real hero?

I say this, the people of Omegaopolis know that I am for real..and so does

Shadow Supreme..ha ha. (ahem) Next question..

Now for the question on everyone's mind; would you EVER consider doing a

Supreme film? The world's dying to see it!

Interesting question.. However I do not have time to devote to making a movie

Supreme. Shad could do a picture called," Moon in the Citadel". HAHAHA

Thanks for your time, Supreme. I realize that several people died in order

for you to do this interview! Much appreciated!

No problem, cub reporter. I am always glad to take the time to address my

fans, and could you tell that "other" guy at the III to quit pestering me....


Top 10 REJECTED titles

for Supreme: The Return:

10.) The All-New, All Different Supreme

9.) Alex "Supreme " Ross

8.) Supreme Knights

7.) Supreme: Its not SUPERMAN DAG NABBIT!

6.) Supreme: Pump up the Volume...II

5.) Suprema the Vampire Slayer

4.) Supreme and FRIENDS

3.) Supreme 57..errrr...#1

2.) Alan Moore's Supreme by ALAN MOORE! Did we mention ALAN MOORE?

1.) Supreme: More Important than God, Family, Friends, and Everything



A special thanks to Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Fraga for their interviews. And

thank you all for reading this Fanzine Supreme.

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! To make the Fanzine even more of a success we need

INPUT. Please send all the questions and comments on to me or David. Also,

if you want to do a column..let us know. If you have something to say...VOICE


And once again, a special thanks to David Perkins for bringing this all

together, it is a team effort to bring this to you every month, and I

appreciate all that he has done.


Chris Milnar


David "fears he's working with a stalker" Perkins

Chris "I was only in the bushes because I dropped my binoculars!" Milnar



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